Yes, COVID makes things difficult, many people have financial struggles, but…
Did you know after this summer, we gave away 7 (!!!) courses to the winners of our OWASP Virtual Summer Days contest completely for free?
Why not take advantage of this? you could be next because we are running another New Year Free Course contest!
Yes, you read that correctly! please fill out this form to enter the contest.
The winner gets a 100% free and complete course, including T-shirt, video recordings, certification, lifetime access, etc.
NOTE: All participants will also get a free trial and free access to all materials for several workshops and webinars!
Get 40% off any 7ASecurity course!

Upcoming Live 7ASecurity Training –
We will also be teaching at a number of conferences soon. If you want to register please check the registration links in our training page.
Prefer self-paced Training? –