OWASP OWTF 0.15 “BruCon” released!

IMPORTANT: If you are attending the “Introducing OWTF” BruCon workshop on Wednesday please download the latest OWASP OWTF and latest DEMO Report. Thank you! Another round of GIT hell has taught me a couple of things but finally, OWASP OWTF 0.15 is here for your entertainment! OWTF 0.15 “BruCon” is dedicated with special love to …

OWTF 0.14 “London” released! cc @BSidesLondon

OWTF 0.14 “London” is dedicated with special love to BSides London, its organisers and attendants! Usual background + Disclaimer: The Offensive (Web, etc) Testing Framework (aka OWTF) is an OWASP+PTES-focused try to unite great tools and make pen testing more efficient @owtfp http://owtf.org WARNING: This tool unites many great tools, websites, knowledge and their associated power, …

Defeating Airline restrictions

I have had to travel a lot lately and there are some annoying issues I see as I take planes, this blog post combines some tips and tricks I have used successfully with the hope that they may be useful for you too :). Motivation – I do not like to see “first time fliers” …

OWTF 0.13b “HackPra” released!

This is a stability release fixing a number of issues I encountered as I was preparing my demos -1h :)- for HackPra tomorrow. I will try to explain this weird tool a bit better and look forward to your feedback :). OWTF 0.13b “HackPra” is dedicated with special love to HackPra, its organisers and attendants! …

OWTF 0.13 “Trooper” released!

This was my first time speaking at Troopers in Heidelberg (Germany) and I must give a big thank you to the organisers who were really nice and helpful before, during and after the conference. If you attended my talk I would appreciate feedback (positive, negative and/or neutral :)). OWTF 0.13 “Trooper” is dedicated with special …

OWTF 0.12 “Wicky” released!

Usual background + Disclaimer: The Offensive (Web, etc) Testing Framework (aka OWTF) is an OWASP+PTES-focused try to unite great tools and make pen testing more efficient @owtfp http://owtf.org WARNING: This tool unites many great tools, websites, knowledge and their associated power, please hack responsibly and always have permission. That being said, happy pwnage 🙂 OWTF 0.12 …