Security Weekly News 20 January 2011 – Full List

Category Index Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Unpatched Vulnerabilities Software Updates Business Case for Security Web Technologies Network Security Wireless Security Forensics Cloud Computing Privacy and human rights Mobile Security Physical Security General Tools Funny Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime   EU locks carbon market after security breach  [] The European Union locked all accounts in its …

Disabled call button on Skype?

This is not strictly security related but I thought I would post it anyway … So this is really weird, in Skype under windows sometimes the call button is disabled, I have plenty of resources, etc but for some reason Skype just does not let me ring any contact because the button is disabled. The …

Security Weekly News 13 January 2011 – Summary

Feedback and/or contributions to make this better are appreciated and welcome Highlighted quotes of the week: “Its long past time to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del on the security budget, I propose the Infosec Flat Tax as a better way forward. I hope that CIOs will read this post, do their own math, and have a frank debate …

Security Weekly News 13 January 2011 – Full list

Category Index Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Unpatched Vulnerabilities Software Updates Business Case for Security Web Technologies Network Security Database Security Cloud Security Physical Security Mobile Security Privacy Social Engineering General Tools Funny Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Fine Gael website statement  [] Statement from Fine Gael regarding the hacking of the party’s website. During the past …

Security Weekly News 6 January 2011 – Summary

Feedback and/or contributions to make this better are appreciated and welcome Highlighted quotes of the week: “If you ever get the urge to build your own proprietary cipher. Stop. Don’t do that.” – George V. Hulme “For software security spend as a portion of firm-wide IT spend, we collected data from eight firms with very …

Security Weekly News 6 January 2011 – Full list

Category Index Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Unpatched Vulnerabilities Software Updates Business Case for Security Web Technologies Network Security Database Security Mobile Security Cloud Security Privacy General Tools Funny Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Kneber botnet returns, steals sensitive government documents  [] The Kneber botnet is running and striking again – this time with a Christmas-themed electronic …

Security Weekly News 30 December 2010 – Summary

Feedback and/or contributions to make this better are appreciated and welcome Highlighted quotes of the week: “Real IT/security talent will work where they make a difference, not where they reduce costs, “align w/business,” or serve other lame ends.” – Richard Bejtlich “woodworking tools do not make chairs == security tools do not make security.” – …

Security Weekly News 30 December 2010 – Full list

Category Index Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Unpatched Vulnerabilities Software Updates Business Case for Security Web Technologies Network Security Mobile Security Privacy General Tools Funny Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime   Gawker was hacked six months ago, say sources close to Gnosis  [] Server was cracked using 'local file inclusion' weakness and hacking group then worked through …

Security Weekly News 23 December 2010 – Summary

Some of you might like the following article I put together last week:  You should not be using IE, in general, but because of this New Internet Explorer vulnerability affecting all versions of IE if you do, now you have yet another reason to switch to Firefox + NoScript and if you are paranoid …

Security Weekly News 23 December 2010 – Full List

Category Index Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Unpatched Vulnerabilities Software Updates Business Case for Security Web Technologies Network Security Cloud Security Privacy Mobile Security Cryptography / Encryption General Tools Funny Hacking Incidents / Cybercrime Gardai prepare file on welfare officer  [] Gardai are expected to send a file to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in …