UPDATE: Just realised that slideshare made the fonts look funny, use the “Download” option at the top to see the presentation as a PDF properly. If you are interested you can now view and download the slides for “Silent web app testing by example” Click to explore. I would like to take this opportunity to thank …
I would like to use this opportunity to thank everybody that voted my lightning talk “Web app testing without attack traffic” as the “BruCon 2011 Lightning Talk winner”. I only had 5 minutes so I had to take out many things I wanted to cover, for this reason, I have significantly expanded this talk (106 slides …
I have decided to stop swearing when tools don’t work and fixing them or implementing my improvements and then send them to the tool author instead. The point is to give back to the community since after all the community gave it to me for free first :). As part of this initiative as I was …
NOTE: I also posted this to the BeEF Project Wiki Click to explore Some Backtrack 5 security tools need ruby 1.8 (i.e. whatweb) and others ruby 1.9.2 (i.e. BeEF). This script automates the switch. By setting the ruby environment to the correct ruby version we can run all tools. This script aims to make this …
Five years ago, using a software system to monitor Internet usage may have been seen in some quarters as the preserve of large companies, and not so much of a concern to SMBs. Productivity loss, time wasted on non-work related browsing and excessive use of video streaming, are a few reasons why more and more …
I will be giving a lightning talk at Brucon next week. My goal is to give a quick overview on the vast amount of tests possible before you have permission to test a target. This is particularly useful if you are given a short test window but you are willing to put the extra effort …
Intro The terrific guys at informática64 put together the FOCA tool (for mostly automated metadata extraction in the free version) quite a while ago and they just keep improving it continously. The Pro version is just 100€ + VAT and you get a lesson from Chema Alonso along the way so worth considering too :). …
I also posted this guide as a wiki entry on the BeEF project page here. Installing BeEF on a Windows System might be a bit confusing for some users: There is not a typical windows installer where you click “Next Next Finish” and then everything works. You need to perform a series of manual steps …
Update 08/08/2011: Added link to further evidence of Shon Harris spamming via blog comments from ittraining blog at the bottom of the post. I have maintained this blog for some time. I appreciate comments but sometimes there is spam that unfortunately gets in: In particular, I was interested in the CISSP spam: The CISSP post …
This is just a quick note to let you know that I recently put together a Backtrack 5 Installation Script on the BeEF project wiki here. You won’t have to install BeEF by hand on your Backtrack 5 H4x0r server farms and clouds anymore ;).