NOTE: OWTF 1.0 “Lionheart” is inminent, please help us checking the bleeding edge branch here and reporting bugs here. There is an awesome OWASP initiative this winter called OWASP Winter Code Sprint (OWCS). In essence, if you are a university student this lets you to contribute to a participating OWASP project in exchange for university …
In case someone is interested, I had the pleasure of giving a Webinar for eLearnSecurity on Tuesday this week: Webinar Title: “XXE Exposed” Summary: Brief coverage of Web Service Types, SQLi and XSS against Web Services to then talk about XXE and XEE attacks and mitigation.Heavily inspired on the “Practical Web Defense” (PWD) style of pwnage + …
OWASP received 88 proposals this year, but needs 50+ more mentors or some amazing students will be lost this year in the GSoC 2014, please don’t let this happen, here is what you can do: Case 1) Mentoring for OWASP projects that are not OWTF If you are interested in mentoring/co-mentoring OWASP projects that are …
Yes folks, it is that awesome time of the year when Google rocks the open source world with their awesome Google Summer of Code again! This is a quick blog post to let you know that the OWASP OWTF GSoC 2014 ideas have just been updated, there are a few more ideas and most of …
OWASP OWTF is always looking for contributors, feedback and new ideas. If you find a bug or have an idea about what OWTF could do, please tell us in our github issue tracker. Thank you! This is another a very significant release which includes the continued outstanding work of: The 4 x OWASP OWTF GSoC …
Please contribute: We are trying to release the new version of OWTF in the next few weeks (hopefully before 2014!). For that, we need your help to identify and report bugs. THANK YOU! 🙂 OWASP OWTF CFP funds contest WINNERS I would like to let you know that, after a careful deliberation, the OWASP OWTF …
As announced at AppSec EU recently. OWASP OWTF has (thank you!): $2000 from Google €5000 from Brucon Instead of taking this to pay myself for working on OWTF in my spare time, I’m giving it away so that others are paid to work on OWTF: There is a contest to apply for this money and …
UPDATE 04/09/2013: Added link to AppSec EU video UPDATE 26/08/2013: Added Plug-n-Hack support link. OWASP AppSec EU 2013 and HackPra AllStars were both a blast this week: I would like to use this opportunity to let you know that: OWASP OWTF is always actively looking for contributors, bug reports / ideas. The slides for the …
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of the new features require the use of the “–dev” flag, please report any issues you find in our github page. Thanks! This is another a very significant release which includes the continued outstanding work of the following Google Summer of Code Projects: OWASP OWTF – INBOUND PROXY WITH MiTM & CACHING …
A common complaint for OWTF was that the report was “ugly”, now it’s your turn to change that: This project has a community voting phase, so we need your help to choose the upcoming OWASP OWTF report default style, layout and skin: OWASP OWTF – Reporting by Assem Chelli (Dedicated Mentor: Gareth Heyes, Co-Mentors: Johanna …