7ASecurity completes CoverDrop Audit

About CoverDrop Whistleblowers need a secure method to initiate contact and build trust with journalists. Existing tools often cater to later-stage correspondence, leaving crucial, early touch-points vulnerable to surveillance. In addition, many of these tools are difficult to find on newspaper websites, hard to use securely, and offer insufficient user guidance. After conducting workshops with …

7ASecurity Completes Bridgefy Audit

7ASecurity worked with Bridgefy to complete a whitebox pentest of the mobile app, SDK, cloud infrastructure, and privacy to help improve Bridgefy’s overall security posture. What is Bridgefy? Bridgefy, a popular mobile messaging app, allows you to send offline messages by leveraging Bluetooth technology. This app aims to provide secure messaging when infrastructure is not …

7ASecurity Completes ArgoVPN Audit

This blog post summarizes a whitebox security review conducted by 7ASecurity against the ArgoVPN platform. What is ArgoVPN? ArgoVPN is a free VPN with an unlimited bandwidth that is developed for Android devices. It allows users to visit blocked websites, online services, social media and messaging apps. The developers designed ArgoVPN to meet the needs …

XMPP MitM attack via PLAIN mechanism

Are you testing MitM of an old protocol that starts using clear-text communications?You should consider spoofing server replies with some downgrade attack! This old trick still works sometimes against protocols that like:XMPP, SMTP, POP3 and others Let’s illustrate this with an XMPP example from the field 🙂 Introduction: In XMPP, credentials are not supposed to …